A Conversation with Gina Lamb
1. Who inspires you: My boss of 10 years, Carol Smith. She is so kind, compassionate, wants what is best for our community and youth.
2. Best gift ever given? Surprise family trips to: Las Vegas & Disneyland
3. Your motto: Tomorrow is a new day, a new start to live my best life.
4. Favorite sport: Anything my kids are in… possibly Track & Field – the human body is amazing!
5. Favorite day of the year: Fourth of July – Independence Day
6. I can’t start my day until… I put my contacts in! 😉
7. Something interesting about you: I have baked Christmas Cookie Cut Outs for “Santa Night” at our local bank for the past 20 years.
8. Pet Peeve: People who chew with their mouth open, ugh. And bad manners.
9. I’ve never seen… The Statue of Liberty
10. Nickname: “The Cookie Lady”, Ms. Sonia 😉
11. I really want to learn more about: The history of places I visit.
12. Something from your bucket list: Visiting landmarks in the United States and beyond.
13. Guilty pleasure: Raffaello
14. I wish I could… Inspire others to contribute/give back to their communities.
15. What are you really good at: Planning, organizing.
16. What did you used to be able to do? Respond to a 911 call in the middle of the night for the local volunteer ambulance.
17. Dream job: One that makes a difference in this world.
18. Something you’re most proud of: My family!
19. Spare time activity: Camping
20. What do you wish you were better at: Not procrastinating…
21. Who have you learned the most from? Everyone I come into contact with has taught me one thing or another.
22. Something no one would believe about you: I have worked with kids for the past 10 years, and ran a daycare in the early 2000’s.
23. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be: Kindness
24. What are you learning right now? So much about prevention and the prevention world!
25. What could you not live without: My family