More Resources
- How do I know if I have a problem with substance use?
- A guide for finding the right place after recovery
- Holistic approach to the addiction recovery process
- National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
- Start Your Recovery
- Treatment facilities in Helena and the northwest
- Alcohol Rehab Guide.
- How to talk to your child about substance abuse
- JustThinkTwice.com
- GetSmartAboutDrugs.com
- CampusDrugPrevention.gov
- OperationPrevention.com
- ElksDAP.org
- Common Drug Slang
- Prevent Underage Drinking
- Let’s Face It: Start the conversation about underage drinking
- Drugs of Abuse
- Examining Factors Impacting Early Use of Alcohol & Other Drugs
- National Association for Children of Alcoholics
- AddictionCenter.com
- American Lung Association
- Partnership for Drug Free Kids
- Drug Enforcement Administration
- Dr. Madras discussed the importance of using science to inform the public about marijuana’s harm
- A Substance Abuse Guide for Parents
- The Sobering Consequences of Underage Drinking
- Dr Robert DuPont Addresses 2017 Forum Attendees
- How to Talk to Your Kids About Substance Abuse
- Effects of Illegal Drugs on the Heart
- Recognizing, Understanding and Combatting Alcohol & Drug Abuse on Campus
- Are you up to date on Marijuana Policy?
- The Friends and Family Treatment Portal
- Alcohol Awareness Bulletin
- Alcohol Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, Help & Resources
- Addiction Resources
- Teen Drug Abuse and Addiction
- Drug Abuse Statistics
- Fentanyl: The Real Deal
- Understanding Chemical Addiction
- Office of Epidemiology and Scientific Support
- The Link Between Childhood Trauma And Addiction In Adulthood
- Drug Rehab Connections
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- College Drinking Changes the Culture
- Cocaine Addiction Recovery and Signs of Cocaine Use
- Tobacco Free College Campuses Resources, Tools and Support to Keep Students Healthy at School
- Cannabis: The Current State of Affairs
- Have a major impact on children’s decisions about alcohol
- Materials on college drinking from NIAAA
- Jason Kilmer’s presentation on CollegeAIM
- College alcohol policies
- Tools to help reduce risky and underage drinking on campus
- Tools for parents, teachers, kids
- Substance Guide
- The impact of substance abuse on families
- How to keep your teens from doing drugs
- How addiction affects the brain
- Link between childhood trauma and addiction in adulthood
- Reports on use in Montana
- Dangers of College Binge Drinking
- Helping College kids kick substance abuse
- Rehab Centers in Montana
- The Ultimate Guide to Helping Those in Need of Addiction Recovery from Cannabis and Other Substances
- Guide for Parents Talking to Their Teenagers About Cannabis
- Comprehensive guide to assist and support the LGBTQ Community and Youth facing substance abuse
- How Drugs Affect Children
- Guiding from Addiction to Recovery
- Living With a Rehabilitated Addict
- Prevention and Addiction Answers for Parents
While some PARENTS feel they lose their ability to control their children’s behavior during adolescence, research tells us the number one reason kids tell us they don’t drink is because they know their parents will disapprove of their decision.
Parent Quiz
- Do your kids know you disapprove of their choice to use substances including alcohol?
- Would they know what to do if they found themselves at a gathering where alcohol was being served?
- Would they know what to expect if they called you for help?
- Would they know what your consequences would be if you discovered they were using substances?
- Do your kids receive confusing messages regarding substance use by adults in their lives?
Intervention & Treatment
Is it time to talk to your child about their substance use?
- National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
- Treatment facilities in Helena and the northwest
- Alcohol Rehab Guide.
- AddictionCenter.com
- The Friends and Family Treatment Portal
- Alcohol Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, Help & Resources
- Addiction Resources
- Teen Drug Abuse and Addiction
- Drug Rehab Connections
- Cocaine Addiction Recovery and Signs of Cocaine Use
As with every health condition, decreasing stress and boosting one’s immunity and psychological resilience can help the body cope better, heal more quickly, and maintain health.
- A guide for finding the right place after recovery
- Holistic approach to the addiction recovery process
- Start Your Recovery
- Cocaine Addiction Recovery and Signs of Cocaine Use
- The Ultimate Guide to Helping Those in Need of Addiction Recovery from Cannabis and Other Substances
- Living With a Rehabilitated Addict
- Prevention and Addiction Answers for Parents