Healthy Snacks for Athletes
Idabelle Sisk, PFS/BG Rosebud
Rosebud Prevention has been collaborating with Lame Deer High school and the school’s counselor Alan Spang. Mr. Spang has asked prevention if it would be possible to help student athletes with a healthy snack after practice and during his 20 one on one sessions with at-risk students. Mr. Spang has explained that the 30 student athletes practice 3-4 times a week for 2 hours starting from 3:30pm to 5:30 pm. The school resides a mile from the city limits, so most students stay after school to wait for practice to begin. The students have lunch at 11:30 and there are currently no vending machines for students to use for any additional nutrition. The Northern Cheyenne reservation also has a low socioeconomic status, so some students could possibly not have access to proper nutrition at home. This nutritious snack will be a positive catalyst between school staff and students helping to build a positive relationship. I am currently working with the Best Beginnings Coalition to hopefully make this a sustainable program.