A Conversation with Amy Shaw

  1. Who inspires you–My Grandma
  2. Best gift ever given? Family picture pillow for the kids when they were young
  3. Your motto: Everything is figureoutable
  4. Favorite sport: Track
  5. Favorite day of the year: Martin Luther King Day… I get it off for my Birthday every year
  6. I can’t start my day until…Have my coffee
  7. Something interesting about you–I love to paint (anything)
  8. Pet Peeve-Hugging
  9. I’ve never seen…Yellowstone National Park
  10. Nickname– Dont have one
  11. I really want to learn more about: Public Health
  12. Something from your bucket list: Skydive
  13. Guilty pleasure..Milk Duds
  14. I wish I could…be more like: Anyone that is anxiety free
  15. What are you really good at: Working with people
  16. What did you used to be able to do? A cartwheel
  17. Dream job: Astronaut
  18. Something you’re most proud: My Kids
  19. Spare time activity: Chasing a toddler and traveling for sports
  20. What do you wish you were better at? Filling out questionnaires about myself
  21. Who have you learned the most from? My Grandma
  22. Something no one would believe about you..I jumped rope for Arnold Schwarzenegger
  23. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be..Germs
  24. What are you learning right now? Mindfulness
  25. What could you not live without? My Family

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