A Conversation with Ellen Blain
Ellen Blain, BG Carbon & Stillwater
- Who inspires you? My family and friends
- Best gift ever given? My kids
- Your motto: live life to the fullest
- Favorite sport: Basketball
- Favorite day of the year: Christmas/4th of July
- I can’t start my day until… I have coffee
- Something interesting about you: I live on a farm.ranch and we raise pigs for future 4H kids along with cattle. .
- Pet Peeve: Having a dirty house
- I’ve never seen…The Grand Canyon
- Nickname: mom
- I really want to learn more about: Prevention and how to build safer communities
- Something from your bucket list: European Cruise
- Guilty pleasure: Ice Cream
- I wish I could…Bring back all my relatives that have passed.
- What are you really good at: My family would say nagging I would like to say I am a good mother and friend.
- What did you used to be able to do? Drive the swather.( I had a wreck that I will not over come)
- Dream job: Preventive work and helping youth.
- Something you’re most proud of: My husband and kids
- Spare time activity: Kids activities
- What do you wish you were better at: Not being such a helicopter parent.
- Who have you learned the most from? My grandpa
- Something no one would believe about you: I have a lot of bowling trophies
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be: Make everyone better parents.
- What are you learning right now? Meeting people in my communities and different organizations
- What could you not live without: My Family