A Conversation with Joanna Hazen

  1. Favorite kind of book: Surprisingly, I have been really into murder mysteries lately. 
  2. Best gift ever received: A book, actually! Native by Kaitlin B. Curtis
  3. Your motto: Vision without action is a daydream
  4. Favorite sport: A tie between trail running and rock climbing! 
  5. Where did you grow up? Many places, but I call Western Washington and South Texas home. 
  6. I can’t start my day until… I have had moment with my Americano. 
  7. Something interesting about you: According to Ancestry, I am 1.5% African Jew
  8. Pet Peeve: Open mouthed chewing! 
  9. I’ve never seen… the Northern Lights! 
  10. Nickname: Selvagem (“Wild” in Portuguese) 
  11. I really want to learn more about: stress management as it relates to disease prevention 
  12. Something from your bucket list: hike the Pacific Crest Trail 
  13. Guilty pleasure: French Fries 
  14. I wish I could… heal all of the historical and generational trauma in Native American/ Latino communities and provide health equity for everyone. 
  15. What are you really good at: Sleeping a lot 
  16. What did you used to be able to do? Play the bass clarinet 
  17. Dream job… Health and Wellness Coordinator for a Tribal or National entity 
  18. Something you’re most proud of: Learning how to sew and cook like my Mother
  19. Spare time activity: Trail running 
  20. Favorite toy as a child: The outdoors
  21. Your least favorite job you’ve ever had. Dairy Queen in high school. 
  22. Something no one would believe about you: My hair was completely purple for a few years. 
  23. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? The act and ramifications of colonization and slavery. 
  24. What are you learning right now? How to engage youth effectively for coalitions
  25. What could you not live without (besides your family): Friends who are willing to be authentic and invest their time and energy in our relationship

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