A Conversation with Katie Gruss
Katie Gruss, CTC Deer Lodge Co.
- Favorite kind of book: Historical books, I really enjoy the civil war time period and love to read books set in that time. A book that I have read many times over is Gone with the Wind.
- Your motto: Its fine everything is fine
- Favorite sport: I am a huge Nascar fan! I was able to see my first race in person this year and took my love of the sport to a whole new level. It is now my goal to go to at least 1 race a year.
- Where did you grow up? I grew up in Anaconda Montana
- I can’t start my day until… I have a redbull
- Pet Peeve: When people around me chew gum loudly.
- Luie
- Something from your bucket list- Going to a Taylor Swift concert!
- Guilty pleasure Taylar Swift tiktoks
- I wish I could…Sing
- What are you really good at- Making people laugh being silly and making light of any situation.
- Something you’re most proud of: My kids I have 3 boys! My oldest is 17 he just graduated high school, my middle is 15 and he is the top of his class he’s already got big schools all over the country offering academic scholarships and my youngest is 8 and can make anyone smile.
- Spare time activity- Fishing and Kayaking
- Favorite toy as a child- a skipit
- Your least favorite job you’ve ever had- I can’t say that I have disliked any of my jobs. I have always worked in some sort of human service field, I spend 14 years in youth mental health services, 12 of those working direct care with youth in group homes, I truly enjoyed this work.
- Something no one would believe about you- I am very artistic and very good at painting.
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be. Health equity would be a global norm. Every person would have access to what they need to be healthy both physically and mentally without fear of stigma, money, or access.
- What are you learning right now? How to clean my dryer ducts on my own instead of hiring someone else to do it… My dad is making me Lol
- What could you not live without (besides your family) Running water..