A Conversation with Maggie Anderson
Maggie Anderson, DFC Lincoln/United For Youth
- Favorite kind of book: I mostly read for information – leadership, team-building, work-related topics.. but when I get the chance, I love historical fiction, and stories about ordinary people doing extraordinary (big and little) things.
- Best gift ever received: I have three pictures handpainted by my kids when they were little – they are so beautiful to me – I never get tired of looking at them.
- Your motto: What does love require of me in this moment? And… what is good here?
- Favorite sport: I am just learning to golf, and I love it!
- Where did you grow up? Anaconda and Troy, MT
- I can’t start my day until… I have a strong cup of coffee and time for prayer
- Something interesting about you – hmmm…
- Pet Peeve – when people shut down an idea without wondering first
- I’ve never seen… a baby be born – can’t wait
- Nickname: Susan Esmeralda Jane, Mag
- I really want to learn more about…. SO many things – I love learning! Right now – I am taking in all I can about the Four Building Blocks of HOPE
- Something from your bucket list – a road trip through the New England states in the fall
- Guilty pleasure – I love everything about cinnamon bears. J
- I wish I could… do a pull up (seriously)
- What are you really good at – I think I am good at seeing the strengths in others
- What did you used to be able to do? Run for miles and miles!
- Dream job – I would love to work with Vel to grow awareness and capacity for implementing the HOPE framework across Montana.
- Something you’re most proud of – my family, for sure
- Spare time activity – gardening, reading, cooking
- Favorite toy as a child – I loved to ride my bike
- Your least favorite job you’ve ever had – although I loved the people I worked with, I didn’t like stuffing envelopes for a new company with a very large mailing list!
- Something no one would believe about you – hmmm… I love organizing things.
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be – that we would learn to see the best in, and expect the best of… each other.
- What are you learning right now? I have been taking a deep dive into learning about the Fruits of the Spirit. I am incredibly humbled and inspired.
- What could you not live without (besides your family). Growing Good Things.