Butte Happenings
- Music on Main holds space for a children/community activity sponsored by a local non-profit. Butte Cares was fortunate to share prevention education with the community, along with a gnome painting activity with supplies donated from local businesses.
- Southwest Montana/ Butte Cares participated in the Jeremy Bullock School Safety Summit. Their mission is striving to continue to improve school safety by ensuring all children have a positive and safe learning environment and by providing educators and community stakeholders with the tools to promote a healthy learning environment. We encourage all prevention specialists to participate in this summit when it’s held near them. We were able to meet with a majority of school administrators across the state and MANY SRO officers in multiple counties in Montana and other states.
- Butte Cares presenting a Moving Mountains Award to the Butte Native Wellness Center, and a local collab. It is through their own mission of supporting local native communities and connecting through projects with all community members that supported the decision on giving this award.
Another community picture of the attendees and Moving Mountain award recipients. This award ceremony was conducted at the Butte Silver Bow Court house, that featured guest speakers such as, Chief Executive (mayor) JP Gallager, Senator Steve Daines’ aid, Cindy Perdue Dolan, Senator John Tester’s aid, Zach Ringsak, and a letter of support from Govenor Greg Gianforte. This event had over 150 attendees.
Pictured prevention specialists Bradie Matt and Brittany Masters
4th of July Parade. Butte Cares supports multiple youth groups presence in the parade. This picture features Butte Central High School Rock Band, who works closely with Butte Cares on multiple community events.
Pictured are a group of students who participate in Youth Mic Night, a local collab between the Covellite Theatre, Rock Top Nation, and Butte Cares. This is a night, once a month, that features youth who wish to sing, place instruments, read poetry, or standup comedy. There are not a lot of places for youth to just hang out and work on their craft in a community setting. This project was spearheaded by Bradie Matt and has garnered much success throughout the entire summer and will continue through the fall. (consent has been given to use students in this photo)
This is just a nice showcase of Youth Mic Night, the ad was created by a local student.
This snapshot was from the Mental Wellness Fair. Butte Cares played a very large role in the success of this event. The fair showcased over 50 vendors ranging in all areas of wellness across our community. The response to continue this fair was overwhelming, and we are very excited for next year’s event.