
Shred Your Stress Day

Andrea Schurg, DFC Beaverhead Dillon Middle School’s new HOPE Squad planned their first HOPE week in May. The daily activities included a “Shred Your Stress” day where 6th-8th graders were invited to write down their stressors on paper and then shred them. It was SO popular that kids lined up and made multiple returns to …

PAX Training

Bethany Coe, BG Lewis & Clark PAX Training was a success! The Helena School District is a fully PAX District and brought Bethany on to train some Paras. It was a big success and will continue spreading to more staff, starting with the After School Care Teachers Training in December!  

Hope Squad

County Implemented In: Madison County Additional Counties Using Program (if known):  Beaverhead County, Yellowstone County (Huntley and Lockwood) and communities in eastern Montana are looking at implementing it as well. Brief Synopsis of Why the Program Was Chosen:  Sheridan school district recognizes that the mental health of our children is crucial. Not only does mental …

Meet Ashley Toavs

Who inspires you – I have a lot of inspirational people in my life, it’s way too hard to choose just one! My husband, my parents, and my older sister all inspire me in different aspects of my life. Best gift ever given? A shopping spree! Your motto: You only live once (YOLO) so make …

Meet McKenzie Salka

Who inspires you: My parents – they are real go-getters, and are a big reason why I feel like I’m capable of doing anything! Best gift ever given? A flight lesson for my 16th birthday from my grandparents. Your motto: If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by lifting stones today. Favorite …