Clancy Days
On Saturday June 4th Clancy held its annual Spring event Clancy Days!! This event featured a multitude of activities to participate in for all ages attending. Southwest Montana Prevention Services were also in attendance with 2 informational booths. We were there to help spread prevention knowledge throughout the community. Our “Hidden in plain site” booth display was for our adult attendees, it featured a mock teenager room and an opportunity for parents and guardians to examine the space and see what they could find. Once parents had a chance to examine the space the prevention specialist would show them the items they missed that youth could use to hide substances from them. Many participants were not aware of the extent of products available and how easy it may be to get them with online ordering. We also had a more kid oriented booth featuring ring toss and cornhole so kids could play a game and interact with the prevention specialists. This booth featured items with healthy messaging and items for kids to use to make healthy choices like a water bottle and bike reflectors. I would also like to extend a VERY BIG Thank You to the Jefferson County Health Dept. for allowing prevention to utilize their resources to set up our booth. We appreciate it.