Coffee Chat Idea Session
- Barb Reiter has reached out to schools to offer help, possibly with meal delivery etc. Maybe give schools Parenting Montana.org materials to hand out with meals.
- Work with your teens and youth coalitions to send out social media positive messaging
Alcohol Awareness Month
Drug Facts Week
National Prevention Week is also May 10th-16th
- Mary, Toole County is working with parents at food bank – networking community to replenish foodbank, taking Parenting MT and resiliency information.
- Sue in Hill County – working on National Drug facts to put in newspaper (puzzles etc.).
Delivered meals to community, gave out left over Red Ribbon week bags.
Trying to find crayons, coloring books, hand washing ideas, PAX tools etc. to take with meal delivery.
Youth group working to start up chats, so they can stay involved and connected
- Erin – helping schools is a good way to build relationship, get your foot in door
- Andrea Schurg- In Dillion, the schools are putting together “Family Isolation Kits” and asked her to participate. She’ll add puzzles, decks of cards, craft materials along with prevention materials.
- Downloaded and print articles from Parenting MT, attach to meals one day a week.
- Amanda, Facebook page “the cupboard” –or in other particular feeds we can answer community questions by pulling specific info from Parenting MT.
- Social media – put the ParentingMontana.org stuff ou.t
- Little free libraries are good spots to share things – rack cards for ParentingMontana.org and little prizes.
- Teachers using “remind app” maybe they can promote our stuff through that app.
- Kathleen said, schools are happier with card stock right now, too much copied material. How can we make our material stand out???? Look like quality, colored card stock.
- People visiting liquor stores – would they distribute information on healthy coping info? Listing how to stay healthy during stress? Alcohol link to depression info? Alcohol/drugs suppress the immune system.
- Food delivering – can we reach out to advocate for Montana to NOT deliver alcohol/marijuana?
- Free phone lines – can we get those out on social media etc. Suicide Hotline, runaway, mental health, stay sober. Montana warm line – mental health lines-Families need support now.
- Encourage families to go for a hike or sledding or something outside.
- Work with coalitions/ groups to meet via video or telephone, stay connected to move forward this support in the community.
- Set up a support group for parents – via chat, Facebook, can we reach out? Get some structure in place? Send out modules from ParentingMontana on routines.
- Plan around internet/connectivity issues to reach ALL families.
- Schools are mailing things to students; can we get in on that? How fun for kids to get mail.
- Could we get a coloring contest going to have kids send notes/ pictures to people in nursing homes? Could parents post on your coalition Facebook page?
- Color bags to send takeout food in – have kids color with messaging/facts.
- Before going out and doing things, check with your county to see what health parameters are right now – ever changing day to day. Please be mindful if you have been in any situation where you have had possibility of exposure (Seattle CTC training, kids coming home from school, travel) please stay home for 2 weeks 🙂 There’s a lot we can do from phone and computer.
- Schedule out social media posts for whatever “National” Day it is– Let’s laugh day!! Knock-knock jokes?
- We are working on PNA – we will get info out to you as we get it
- DUI Task Force people may be very busy with other duties, please be mindful, possibly step in to help or postpone meetings.
- Virtual – run “out of the darkness” can they post pictures of their run or hike or virtual run times, share a screenshot of a calendar with your activity have others join in.
- Indoor/outdoor scavenger hunts, lots of lists on Pinterest.
- Think about your community and culture, how can we reach out.
- Check in buddy system – mentoring, call and check in. Can we encourage our community to do this and encourage healthy coping.
- Youth one on one walk dogs at shelter?? Other ideas like this?
- Virtual meeting platforms – Go to meeting free for 30 days, zoom,
- Ryan shared the link-https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/managing-stress-anxiety.html
- “Talk, they hear you!” campaign -Having parents talk to their kids about alcohol use.
- Homemade Ninja warrior course for your kids at home.
- Put out a challenge on Facebook- community page (Butte 411) or coalition, use a # that we all can use, Show your pet.