Getting to Know Aly Holly
- Who inspires you: My granny, Donna.
- Best gift ever received? I recently received a personalized embosser for my book collection! I had never seen one before but it’s very pretty and I thought it was such a thoughtful gift.
- Your motto: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
- Favorite sport: I don’t follow sports, but hockey and football are fun to watch.
- Favorite day of the year: I love the entire season of autumn!
- I can’t start my day until… I’ve had morning cuddles with my dog, Eva.
- Something interesting about you: I have quite a few tattoos (10) and the longest session I’ve had so far was 8 hours long.
- Pet Peeve: those annoying clickbait articles throwing shade at people you’ll never meet with zero evidence. There’s no checks and balances about it & people formulate entire ideologies around fake news.
- I’ve never seen… a koala bear in person.
- Nickname: Aly
- I really want to learn more about:
- Something from your bucket list: Visit Scotland.
- Guilty pleasure: Coffee & stationary
- I wish I could… speak other languages fluently.
- What are you really good at: creative writing.
- What did you used to be able to do? I played alto saxophone for a handful of years.
- Dream job: to become an author & a therapist.
- Something you’re most proud of: being a first generation college graduate.
- Spare time activity: cooking/baking new recipes.
- Favorite toy as a child: puzzles!
- Your least favorite job you’ve ever had: I once was a receptionist for a point of sales system company (think the touchscreen kiosks at restaurants) & I am not sure if it gets more boring than that.
- Something no one would believe about you: Being left-handed continues to shock the masses.
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be: Oofta – well, with the state of things, I’d opt in for world peace.
- What are you learning right now? This week, my boyfriend and I have been learning a lot about canning and making jam with a bunch of the produce we grew over the summer!
- What could you not live without (besides your family): books!