Getting to Know Sue Konicek
- Who inspires you. People who live quiet lives giving selflessly without seeking any recognition.
- Best gift ever given? Bread of the Month Club
- Your motto: We are all just sitting on a rock spinning around the sun until we die. I might as well make the best use of my time!
- Favorite sport: Can’t think of a single one
- Favorite day of the year: Christmas–only if it’s snowy
- I can’t start my day until… I stretch and meditate.
- Something interesting about you: I can do the splits.
- Pet Peeve– When people bring babies to theatre performances.
- I’ve never seen… an elephant in the wild (I’d like to)
- Nickname–don’t have one
- I really want to learn more about: so many things! History, Science, psychology…
- Something from your bucket list: Ride in a hot air balloon
- Guilty pleasure: Popcorn for dinner
- I wish I could be a better piano player
- What are you really good at: Calculating tips when out to dinner even though I’m pretty bad at math.
- What did you used to be able to do? stay up really late–now I need my eight hours of sleep
- Dream job: Any job for Cirque De Soleil
- Something you’re most proud of: Some very good theatre productions I have directed
- Spare time activity: Reading, baking
- What do you wish you were better at: playing the piano
- Who have you learned the most from? My mother
- Something no one would believe about you: I was once mistaken for a Mexican Pop star.
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be: No more war–ever.
- What are you learning right now? Spanish–gotta love Duolingo!
- What could you not live without: garlic