Mental Health Awareness Walk & Hidden In Plain Sight
Phillips County (PC) Prevention/EMCMHC teamed up with PC Hospital, PC Health Dept and PC Coalition for Healthy Choices to organize & host the 2nd Annual Mental Health Awareness Walk (5th Annual Walk in September during Suicide Prevention Awareness month). Over 80 people registered and gathered to listen to Kaylie Gilman tell her personal story of her struggle with mental health in the past year since losing her sister. Honor beads were available, each color showing an individual’s personal connection to the cause, and they help to identify others who understand their experience. Memorial paper cranes were hung in honor of lost loved ones. Snacks, warm hugs & supportive conversations were provided.
Prevention Specialist (PCPS) Gina Lamb was able to hold on to the traveling Hidden in Plain Sight (HIPS) room in Phillips County for an extra two weeks! She took advantage of that time, setting up the room on location for: employees & administration of Big Flat Electric Cooperative; Malta Kiwanis members; Malta Elementary School staff & administration; Phillips County Hospital & Family Health Clinic staff & administration; and Malta Merchants. A total of 116 people were made more aware of possible hiding spots, conversations were riveting and informative. With each group that came in Ms. Gina learned something as well!