Parenting Classes at Florence Crittenton
Circle of Security Parenting (8 week class)
Monday, March 3 through Monday, April 28 (no class March 24)
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
An 8 week, evidence-based class which helps parents understand and practice attachment parenting, the need for a strong bond between themselves and their child and teaches ways of enhancing that bond.
Contact: Kathleen Gazy 442 6950 x254
Love and Logic Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun! (5 week class for parents of children birth to 6)
Thursday, March 6 through Thursday, April 10 (no class March 27)
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
The Love and Logic® approach is fun! This is the Love and Logic® curriculum designed for early childhood. Using plenty of real life stories, examples, and humor, the authors make this a program that parents really enjoy. This curriculum provides parents the skills required to feel more relaxed, hopeful and positive about their children. As they learn more, they’ll discover that parenting really can be enjoyable, and that they can teach personal responsibility and respect without losing their children’s love. Through the use of multimedia we will coach parents of young kids in skills that will give them:
Happy, fun families
Toddlers who go to bed the first time
Tots that learn whining and arguing does not work
Meals without the battles
Discipline without losing their love
Great comebacks all parents need to know
Youngsters that grow into safe, smart, confident teens
And so much more!
Contact: Kathleen Gazy 442 6950 x254