Poster Contest! K-5th grade
For the template and permission slip, click here. 2017_MFEC_PosterContest_Forms (1)
Guidelines for MFEC 2017 Poster Contest
“Save, Donate, Vacation, Spend”
The theme of the MFEC poster contest is “Save, Donate, Vacation, Spend.” An important life lesson
is teaching children how to handle money responsibly. The understanding of good choices and bad
choices in using money will influence when and how a child decides to spend his or her money. It’s
important to emphasize to children that they have a choice to make with the money they receive or
earn. This translates to saving which plays a critical role in developing financial responsibility at an
early age.
Creativity is highly encouraged as children illustrate their understanding of what it means to manage
their money. Depending on the grade level, teachers may advance classroom discussion by
introducing more complex concepts such as setting dollar amounts and encouraging children to divide
up their money (e.g. total of $100, how much would you save, donate, spend, and set aside in a
vacation fund.)
The contest is open to all children who are in kindergarten through fifth grade.
Poster Guidelines
1. The “Save, Spend, Donate, and Vacation” poster template for the contest must be used. Copies
of the template may be requested. Any requests should be directed to Chris Romano at (406) 841-
2928 or [email protected].
2. Posters should represent the contestant’s original artwork on the provided template. Cutouts and
other collage media should not be used.
3. Posters should include color. Media can include markers, crayons, colored pens and pencils, and
paint. Pastels, graphite pencils, and other media which may smudge or rub off should not be used.
4. Contestants are encouraged to use all of the space on the poster template for their artwork.
5. There are four boxes in the poster template. Contestants must identify one item in each box with
a written description and drawing of the item. A line is provided in each box for a simple
description of the item that is illustrated by the contestant.
Box 1 – “SAVE” This box should express something that the child would like to save their
money to purchase. The child must write the name of item that they are saving for on the line
provided within the “Save” box.
Box 2 – “DONATE” Items included in the “Donate” box should display how the child
would donate their money. This may be illustrated by items that the child would purchase to
donate for persons in need or by illustrating an organization to which the child would donate.
Donations can be made to help people, animals, and the environment. The child must write the
name of item(s) that they will purchase to donate or the name of the organization to which they
plan to make their donation on the line provided within the “Donate” box.
Box 3 – “VACATION” Items in the “Vacation” box can illustrate a place that the child
would like to save their money to visit. This can be a place that the child has already been to or a
place that they have always wanted to see. The child must write the place or location on the line
provided within the “Vacation” box.
Box 4 – “SPEND” Items in the “Spend” box should express something the child will use
their money to purchase. The illustration should be a need, not a want. It should be explained
to the children that needs are things we must have to survive and wants are thing that we would
like to have. The child must write the name of item that they are buying on the line provided
within the “Spend” box.
6. Adults are encouraged to help contestants understand the theme, but contestants should create
their own interpretation and artwork.
Submission Guidelines
1. Each poster should note the child’s name, grade, city or town, mailing address, and the
submitting organization.
2. The sponsoring organization should send all submissions in a single package if possible. More
than one package may be used if the number of submissions so requires. The package(s) should
include each contestant’s poster together with a completed permission form signed by the
child’s parent or guardian. MFEC will not accept any submissions without a completed
permission form.
The deadline for receiving submissions is October 27, 2017
3. Submission package/s should be mailed to the following:
Chris Romano, MFEC President
P.O. Box 200546
Helena MT 59620
Selection of Winning Posters
1. First, second, and third place winners will be selected from each of the following age groups:
kindergarten/first grade, second/third grade, and fourth/fifth grade.
2. Winners will be selected by a committee of the MFEC Board of Directors, based on creativity and
understanding of the theme.
3. Winners will be notified and prizes will be sent by December 15, 2017.
1. Each winner will receive a special piggy bank with a small cash amount inside.
2. Facsimiles of the posters of winners and possibly runners-up will be used in MFEC’s statewide
efforts promoting the importance of financial literacy. These efforts may include, but are not
limited to: display on MFEC website; in publications produced by MFEC and distributed to
members of our mailing list; and print media, including a calendar, newspapers and public displays.
Parents, guardians, or contestants of the winning posters may choose not to have their posters
used in promotional efforts, in which case they will still receive their prizes per these Guidelines.
3. Winning contestants will not receive any compensation for their posters, except for the prizes
mentioned herein.
If you have any questions regarding these Guidelines, please contact Chris Romano at (406) 841-
2928, or [email protected].
2017 MFEC Poster Contest – “Save, Donate, Vacation, Spend”
Child’s Name: ____________________ Submitting Organization: _________________________________
Grade:______ Mailing Address: ______________________________ City: _________________________
Save: _________________________________________ Donate: _______________________________________
Vacation: _____________________________________ Spend: _______________________________________
kindergarten second grade fourth grade
first grade third grade fifth grade
2017 MFEC Poster Contest Permission Form
Statement of Purpose
The 2017 MFEC Poster Contest encourages children to create and illustrate a poster with a theme of
“save, donate, vacation, spend.” It is important for students to understand the concepts of saving,
giving, planning and spending. The purpose of the contest is to get children to think about and
identify ways to save, give, plan and spend and how this fits into their choices about their use of
money in the future. The contest is open to children in kindergarten through fifth grade.
Studies have suggested that early exposure to financial concepts results in healthier financial attitudes
and behaviors later in life. Our theme is drawn from the age-appropriate learning standards put forth
by the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy. Introducing concepts like saving money
at an early age can contribute to responsible money management into adulthood.
I, the undersigned parent or guardian of the child named below, hereby grant permission to the child
named below to participate in the 2017 MFEC Poster Contest. I understand that by granting this
permission, I agree to all rules and activities enumerated on the attached document Guidelines for
MFEC Poster Contest.
I further understand that by granting this permission, if the child’s poster is selected as a winner or
runner-up, MFEC may use the poster and photograph of the artist in its public efforts to promote
financial literacy as described in the attached Guidelines, and that MFEC will neither receive nor
distribute compensation for promotional efforts.
I understand that I may choose that the child’s poster not be used in promotional efforts, in which
case the child will still receive the prizes described in the attached Guidelines if selected as a winner.
If you choose that your child’s poster is NOT be used as described, please initial here: _____
Child’s name
Grade the Child is in:
Name of submitting organization
Parent/Guardian name (printed)
Parent/Guardian signature
Phone contact (to notify winners)
2017 MFEC Poster Contest Submission Form
Submitting organizations or individuals must complete and send this contact information form with
the posters it is submitting (in one packet if possible). More than one packet may be used if the
number of poster submissions so requires.
Name of Submitting Organization/Individual
Contact person/title
Phone number
Email address
Mailing address
Number of posters submitted
Thank you for supporting financial education in Montana. Your participation in helping to prepare
young people for a financially literate future is important!
If you would like to learn more about the Montana Financial Education Coalition, and how to
become a MFEC partner, please visit our website at