Youth Speak Up Video
Brittany Masters Butte CTC
Jr. High (6th-8th) and High School (9th-12th) students across Silver Bow County were asked 4 questions:
-WHAT ARE SOME CHALLENGES YOU SEE IN YOUR SCHOOL? (drinking, tobacco, fighting, drug use, bullying, mental health issues, homelessness, etc.)
-WHAT ARE SOME SOLUTIONS TO SOME OF THOSE CHALLENGES ? (different activities, harsher punishments, extra classes, better parental involvement, greater sense of purpose, etc.)
-HOW DOES THIS MAKE YOU FEEL? (sad, mad, scared, indifferent, etc.)
-WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP? (create awareness through sign making/messaging, create well planned activities, become student advocates, etc.)
This created an opportunity for students to have open discussions in their classroom regarding their own school environment. After sending home permission slips regarding the project, its intent, organization affiliation, student’s participation within the project, and a media release form, students returned a week later for further discussion and filming. School administration/teachers in each of the schools provided space to work, and allowed students to be academically excused for the time spent on the project. It was a wonderful collaboration for all involved.
The video was showcased to leaders from all sectors of the community as part of the CTC Key Leader Orientation, and has continued to be shared. It has been used to create unified awareness in our community, by hearing from students first hand. This gave youth a voice, and a seat at the table of prevention within their own community. It was also an excellent display of seeing the Social Development Strategy in action. Students were rewarded for their participation by receiving certificates of recognition, along with some Communities That Care swag. Many students have continued to show interest in being a part of future projects, and work efforts.