Meet Barbara Bessette
- Who inspires you? My mom
- Best gift ever given? My horse, Fadz
- Your motto: If you get bucked off, get up and get back on.
- Favorite sport: Rodeo
- Favorite day of the year: April 25th all you need is a light jacket. But seriously, the first day of spring. Daylight starts getting longer.
- I can’t start my day until… I don’t have anything I need to start my day off with.
- Something interesting about you: I have been riding horses since I was a baby.
- Pet Peeve: When people call pickups “trucks”.
- I’ve never seen…Europe
- Nickname: Barbie
- I really want to learn more about: horses’ muscular and skeletal structure
- Something from your bucket list: Do a triathlon (I have to learn to swim first)
- Guilty pleasure: Eating frozen thin mints
- I wish I could…speak Cree
- What are you really good at: being empathetic
- What did you used to be able to do? Stand up without my knees sounding like Rice Krispies
- Dream job: United States Senator
- Something you’re most proud of: training my horses to barrel race
- Spare time activity: running and barrel racing
- What do you wish you were better at: writing
- Who have you learned the most from? My mom
- Something no one would believe about you: I am a metal head that loves unicorns.
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be: for people to be more understanding of each other
- What are you learning right now? I am working on learning Cree
- What could you not live without: My animals