Kindness Rocks and Hands of Hope mural
Kristin Wilkowski, Valley County
The Valley CARE Coalition, in collaboration with local artist Kat McIntyre hosted a fair booth at the Northeast Montana Fair, August 9th through the 11th. Fairgoers were invited to fill out a survey, register for prizes, take any of the free information that was displayed, and also paint a Kindness Rock. Valley County Prevention Specialist Kristin Wilkowski, through the Block Grant, provided paints and supplies for this project. Prevention explained programs available for the community, encouraged people to fill out the survey, and of course paint rocks.
The Kindness Rocks will be included in the “Hands of Hope” mural to be completed this fall by Ms. McIntyre. The rocks were painted by community members and reflected messages of hope, well-being, and encouragement. The “Hands of Hope” mural is intended to create awareness around the topics of mental health and suicide prevention in Valley County. Each person that painted a rock was given instruction from Ms. McIntyre on technique in brush type and how to put their idea onto the rock they chose. We have some incredibly talented artists in Valley County, even if they didn’t believe it at first.
Pictured below is Kat McIntyre and a smaller version of the “Hands of Hope” mural, which will be 10’ x 12’ upon completion. The mural will be located on the back exterior wall of the City-County Library in Glasgow.
Fairgoers of all ages painted Kindness Rocks.