A Conversation with Dawn Ries
Dawn Ries, BG Granite/Powell
- Who inspires you? So many people. My best friends who I have watched turn tragedy into growth. My father, who taught me how to do most of the things I know, and not be afraid to get my hands dirty and do things myself.
- Best gift ever given? All of the drawings and art projects from my kids.
- Your motto: Don’t ask someone “How are you” if you aren’t able or willing to listen to the actual answer.
- Favorite sport: Baseball. Go Boston!
- Favorite day of the year: I don’t really have a favorite day. I tend to look forward to the nice sunny warm ones now though, lol.
- I can’t start my day until… I snuggle my cat. She wakes me up by standing on top of me until she gets her attention.
- Something interesting about you: There is nothing super interesting about me, I’m just a plain ol’ Jane.
- Pet Peeve: People lol
- I’ve never seen… An ambulance getting gas… a baby pigeon… another customer in a mattress store…
- Nickname: Dawnatello. My kids and their friends started this. Coincidentally, he was my favorite ninja turtle when I was growing up.
- I really want to learn more about: Everything I can.
- Something from your bucket list: Traveling more. I want to explore.
- Guilty pleasure: Binge watching tv shows all at once. I can’t stand starting something with multiple seasons and not watching it all as fast as possible.
- I wish I could… Play an instrument. I tried learning but I just can’t read music or get fingers to do what I want them to do.
- What are you really good at: Listening.
- What did you used to be able to do? Remember things. Run. Almost never miss a three pointer.
- Dream job: The job doesn’t matter as long as I felt I was accomplishing something and it was rewarding.
- Spare time activity: Spending time with my family.
- What do you wish you were better at: Speaking. I used to be decent at it but now my brain gets all frazzled and I panic and go blank.
- Who have you learned the most from? Jordan Peterson and my father.
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be: The way people interact. I would like to see everyone treat each other with kindness and truthfulness.
- What are you learning right now? Studying to get my certification.
- What could you not live without: Sarcasm, laughter