Body Awareness and Safety Workshop

WHEN: April 17 and May 29th, 6:30-8:30pm
WHERE: ChildCare Partnerships
Call Brandi Thomas to sign up @ 443-4608

This workshop is designed to assist parents in promoting self-esteem in young children ages 3-8 years of age by teaching them about how unique and wonderful their bodies are as well as the importance of privacy. From the moment of birth, children begin to learn about love, touch and relationships. Their experiences, impressions and observations form the foundation of their future sexual attitudes and decisions. Be prepared and receive accurate, age-appropriate information about the questions children ask. These workshops are offered for one or both parent(s), or grandparents.


1. Evaluating how past sexual messages can influence one’s parenting style.
2. Understanding the developmental stages and how to respond to each stage.
3. Look at the barriers that prevent parents from educating their children about sexuality.
4. Learn the three types of touch.
5. Understanding risk factors which may contribute to abuse.
6. Know the difference between problematic behaviors and normal curiosity.
7. Learn how to be an approachable parent.
8. Profile of a molester.
9. What does grooming look like.
10. How do pedophiles keep children from talking.
11. What to say or do if your child is molested.



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