A Conversation with Anna Schreck
- Who inspires you: my fiancé, Scott.
- Best gift ever given? A summer intensive program at Rocky Mountain School of Photography.
- Your motto: Fake it ‘till you make it.
- Favorite sport: Hockey.
- Favorite day of the year: Thanksgiving or Christmas day.
- I can’t start my day until…I’ve had lots of water.
- Something interesting about you: walked the Camino Frances across Spain with my dad.
- Pet Peeve: drivers who don’t use turn signals.
- I’ve never seen…a ghost.
- Nickname: Schrecko.
- I really want to learn more about the brain and mindfulness/ meditation.
- Something from your bucket list: publish a book of travel photography.
- Guilty pleasure: an excellent charcuterie board.
- I wish I could…sleep like I did as a kid!
- What are you really good at: making people laugh.
- What did you used to be able to do? I was more adrenaline seeking with adventures that included great heights, like tandem hang gliding and bungee jumping- but these adventures have slightly intensified my fear of heights. Whoops!
- Dream job: Community health. Sorting it out!
- Something you’re most proud of: Moving to Montana after college from Iowa and establishing 10+ years of solid friendships.
- Spare time activity: hiking and photography.
- What do you wish you were better at: slowing down during stressful times.
- Who have you learned the most from? My father.
- Something no one would believe about you: Second shot a wedding in 2019 at Kevin Costner’s home in Santa Barbara (his wife’s best friend’s wedding).
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be: equal pay for women.
- What are you learning right now? Nutrition and balancing carbs, fats, proteins.
- What could you not live without: Exercise (hiking/ running).