A Conversation with Bethany Coe
Bethany Coe
BG Lewis & Clark
- My family is: my Husband Zach, Fur Baby Jarvis, and a soon to be daughter!
- What do you listen to in the car? I like to listen to country
- My favorite place to vacation is: Florida! We would visit my aunt there a lot growing up
- My Favorite down-time activity is: going for nature walks or gardening
- Top 3 things on my bucket list: feed a giraffe, go on a cruise, learn sign language
- Work pet peeves: When you show up on time for a meeting only for them to say they are going to start 15min late
- My first job: working concessions at a movie theater
- I would never: ride in a submarine!
- My dream job would be: Disney Gardener or Giraffe Zookeeper
- Special Skills: I’m very good at surfing and wish I could do it more!
- Favorite Podcasts: Hot Mess Teacher Express, Trading $ecrets, or Dick & Angel’s Chat..eau
- Phobias: Being able to see fish/sea animals when I swim, it’s their world and we don’t know anything about it!