A Conversation With Jacqueline Kline
- Who inspires you Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Best gift ever given? My dog Koda!
- Your motto: Life is Short, Read Fast
- Favorite sport: Soccer
- Favorite day of the year: Christmas Eve
- I can’t start my day until… The sun is up! I’m only a morning person when the sun is shining.
- Something interesting about you: I used to live in Argentina.
- Pet Peeve: When people leave the cabinet doors/drawers in the kitchen open.
- I’ve never seen… The northern lights – but it’s on the bucket list!
- Nickname Jacki
- I really want to learn more about: the Mariana trench
- Something from your bucket list: I’d love to travel to Valencia, Spain for La Tomatina (a giant tomato fight in the town square done annually).
- Guilty pleasure: Hot chocolate
- I wish I could…: snap my fingers and have the snow disappear from my driveway
- What are you really good at: painting
- What did you used to be able to do? Juggle (unfortunately I lost the skill after I broke my arm a few years ago)
- Dream job: A book editor.
- Something you’re most proud of: my younger brother graduating college last year
- Spare time activity: hiking when the weather is nice, or reading when it’s cold out.
- What do you wish you were better at: taking advantage of travel opportunities for vacations
- Who have you learned the most from? My mother
- Something no one would believe about you: On average I read a book every two days.
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be: the cost of housing
- What are you learning right now? Nicaraguan history of the 1960s
- What could you not live without dairy – I love cheese and ice cream way too much