A conversation with Jody
- Who inspires you: My Aunt Judy (She has the most beautiful soul & always puts the needs of others before her own.)
- Best gift ever given? Surprised my in-laws with family pictures of their children and grandchildren. They cried.
- Your motto: Life is too short to not be happy.
- Favorite sport: Hockey
- Favorite day of the year Christmas
- I can’t start my day until I have a diet Mt. Dew. 🙂
- Something interesting about you: I have four beautiful children that I never gave birth to. (2 bonus daughters and 2 sons from Guatemala)
- Pet Peeve rude people.
- I’ve never seen…the Northern Lights.
- Nickname Jo Jo and Gogo (name my grandchildren call me)
- I really want to learn more about dementia, so I can be there for my Mom.
- Something from your bucket list: Get my scuba diving certification.
- Guilty pleasure: Parlor Donuts (Look them up. Amazing!!!)
- I wish I could wake up every morning with the ocean as my backyard.
- What are you really good at: talking lol
- What did you used to be able to do? Play the clarinet.
- Dream job Dolphin Trainer
- Something you’re most proud of: My children & grandchildren
- Spare time activity: Riding side-by-sides with my husband and friends.
- What do you wish you were better at Organizing and Decluttering (I’m a sentimental collector.)
- Who have you learned the most from? My children. Parenting is tough, but they never gave up on me. I have learned so much from each of them by just listening and being there.
- Something no one would believe about you: Dated my husband for only 2 months and then we eloped. It will be 25 years together in November.
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be: The world would be filled with more sunshine, laughter, and love! Oh, and a lot more hugging!! lol
- What are you learning right now? Digging deeper into the Bible.
- What could you not live without: God & my family.