Alcohol Awareness Month in Madison County
Madison County Prevention Specialists collaborated with the DUI Task Force to sponsor a T-shirt and poster contest at Twin Bridges High School, Sheridan High School and Ennis Junior High School for April Alcohol Awareness Month. The students were to create a poster about alcohol prevention. First, second, and third places were awarded. First place students received their poster printed on T-shirts and all the students in their school received one. The T-shirts were provided by SWMT Prevention. Posters were developed using the first, second, and third place winners’ submissions. The posters were provided by the Madison County DUITF. They were hung up at the school and the public library. The DUI Task Force also awarded winners with gift cards from local restaurants. First place received a $25 gift card, second place $20, and third place $15 for the winners at each school. Ennis schools keep telling Esther and Taylor how excited the kids were and how much they enjoyed it!