Backpacks for Foster Care Children in Roosevelt County
By: Ashley Toavs, PFS Roosevelt County
The past few months, EMCMHC and I have been fortunate enough to work with Child and Family Services in Wolf Point. The goal in working with this agency was to provide foster care kids with backpacks filled with all sorts of good, necessary items. In the bags, we decided to add nice, cozy blankets, clothes, socks and underwear, toiletries, coloring books and crayons, water bottles, and fun games to play with their families. We also provided baby clothes and diapers for the babies. By doing this, we hope that the kids have an easier transition into their new homes.
When a foster kid arrives at a new home, they may be overwhelmed with emotions. The foster parents may be overwhelmed as well. Our hope with the family games is that the foster parents and the children are simply able to get to know one another in a fun, easy-going way. By doing this, it will take a little pressure off the families and the foster children and will lighten things up. It will be a great way for the child to bond with the family and for the family to bond with the child equally.
In adding essential toiletries to their backpacks, the foster kids can feel that they have something of their own when coming into an environment that is so new. These items will help them stay clean and support good overall hygiene. It will also help the foster parents until they are able to get needed essentials for the child.
To keep this project sustainable and long-term in the future, we hope to be looking into some type of foster care support group. By having a support group,the goal is that the foster parents will be able to express what they truly need to properly provide for their families. By possibly having a support group in the future, the parents will be able to rely on one another and also give specific insight into the lives of a foster parent and their needs.
Overall, we are so happy we will be able to help provide for so many children and families and we wish them the best!