Eight Must-Have Conversations with Your Teen

By Natural High Staff *This article is abbreviated. To read its entirety, visit https://www.naturalhigh.org/8-conversations-with-teen-about-drugs-alcohol/. Also check out all the other great resources on their website. There’s no question that your kids will be exposed to and learn about drugs and alcohol. They will learn from television shows, movies, social media, and their friends. And almost …

The Importance of Allowing Kids to Quit an Activity: Nurturing Well-Rounded Development

By Amber Irvin   In a world where extracurricular activities for children are becoming increasingly prevalent and competitive, there’s a growing awareness of the importance of allowing kids the freedom to choose, explore, and, sometimes, quit activities they’re no longer interested in. The decision to allow children to quit an activity can often be met …

Staying Active to Ward Off Depression

By Len Lantz, M.D. WHAT IS BEHAVIORAL ACTIVATION? Behavioral activation is the process of proactively increasing your activity level of positive activities. Behavioral activation strategies can be traced back to B.F. Skinner’s 1957 book, Science and Human Behavior, and were further elaborated in 1973 in Charles Ferster’s paper, “A Functional Analysis of Depression.” Dr. Ferster …

The Hidden Perils of Kratom: Unveiling the Dark Side

By Staff Kratom, a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, has gained popularity in recent years as a natural alternative to traditional painkillers and mood enhancers. However, beneath its seemingly harmless facade lies a myriad of dangers that pose significant risks to both physical and mental health. One of the most alarming dangers associated with …

Malta Partnerships

Phillips County PS, Gina Lamb worked with Malta Chamber on a couple of projects for the holiday season. Prevention messaging from NHTSA’s “buzzed driving is drunk driving” campaign to have “someone sober to guide your sleigh home” and tips to plan ahead for a safe celebration were printed on cardstock and placed in 75 “Jolly …

Christmas at the Museum

Beth Regan, BG Fallon O’Fallon Historical Museum in Baker hosted Christmas at the Museum on Sundays from 1:00-4:00 during the month of December.  Family friendly activities such as games, crafts and scavenger hunts were provided each Sunday, along with cider, hot chocolate and cookies. Beth Regan facilitated and provided supplies for orange & clove pomanders …