
WhyTry Curriculum

Mary Miller – Toole County BG An assessment with our Toole County school administrators found that a curriculum was needed to serve as a possible platform for Lunch and Learns for 5th through 8th grade students, in two area school districts.  We searched for a curriculum that was Evidenced-Based providing tools and training to motivate …

Self Care Corner

By Stacey O’Tremba, Dawson County PFS Stacey attended the session titled “Self Care and Personal Growth: Beyond Bubble Baths and TED Talks” during the virtual CADCA Mid-Year conference and was so moved by some of the tips she learned about, she agreed to share some of them in this month’s Self-Care Corner of the newsletter.  …

Kids and Legalization: Our Kids Deserve Better

The Board of Directors of Youth Connections is committed to the health and safety of our kids by supporting environments where they can thrive. This includes preventing additional access to substances that are dangerous and detrimental to developing brains. Research shows that youth who regularly use marijuana, permanently lose up to eight IQ points. Research …