Getting to Know Cassie Devries
- Who inspires you -My mom
- Best gift ever given? I had someone’s passport photo made into a stamp for their birthday.
- Your motto: -“Jesus Take the Wheel”
- Favorite sport:-Dance and Wrestling (my kids sports)
- Favorite day of the year-”That’s a tough one. I would have to say April 25. Because it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.”
- I can’t start my day until…coffee and Jesus
- Something interesting about you- I used to competitive dance/my name is actually pronounced “Casey”
- Pet Peeve- People who think they are better than you
- I’ve never seen…An episode of the Kardashians
- Nickname- Mom
- I really want to learn more about-currently studying for the CPS exam.
- Something from your bucket list-Nashville. If I could meet Dolly Parton I would love it!
- Guilty pleasure- sweets
- I wish I could…see my nieces more often
- What are you really good at-listening to people
- What did you used to be able to do?- Dance (LOL!)
- Dream job-anything helping people and making a difference
- Something you’re most proud of- Hands down my kids
- Spare time activity -sleeping or listening to music
- What do you wish you were better at -not being a people pleaser
- Who have you learned the most from?- Myself. I have done a lot of self healing and self reflection. Pretty wild journey
- Something no one would believe about you-I was in an advertisement on the side of a bus.
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be- to eliminate hatred.
- What are you learning right now?- Life is full of twists and turns, let go of the little things that really in the grand scheme of things don’t matter.
- What could you not live without- my family