Getting to Know Tatianna Pugmire
- Favorite kind of book: Self-improvement/motivational
- Best gift ever received: A second chance at life
- Your motto: “No matter what” and “Always forward” Short and sweet.
- Favorite sport: Rugby!
- Where did you grow up?: Los Alamos, New Mexico
- I can’t start my day until…I drink some coffee and pet my dog
- Something interesting about you: I traveled to Sparta, Greece to run the Spartan World Championships! (Obstacle course racing)
- Pet Peeve: When someone begins scrolling on their cell phone in the middle of a conversation or meal
- I’ve never seen…the movie Die Hard
- Nickname: Tati or Tots
- I really want to learn more about: The chemistry of the brain!
- Something from your bucket list: Staying at an over-water bungalow in Bora Bora!
- Guilty pleasure: Milk duds and popcorn!
- I wish I could…travel and experience the world and other cultures without financial concern
- What are you really good at: Asking questions and approaching everything with different perspectives (it can be annoying in some instances)
- What did you used to be able to do?: Play violin, and I was mediocre at drawing
- Dream job: I really enjoy what I do now-and would love to also be a forensics and/or crime data analyst
- Something you’re most proud of: My master’s degree and graduate school experience!
- Spare time activity: Reading, running, weight lifting, playing rugby, crocheting
- Favorite toy as a child: I had a stuffed bulldog named Mr. Wrinkles who I took everywhere with me (I still have him! Although he lives in storage)
- Your least favorite job you’ve ever had: My least favorite job experience (as a substance abuse counselor in Oregon) was due to an invidious supervisor/business owner unfortunately; the job itself I enjoyed but did end up leaving.
- Something no one would believe about you: Despite all of the physical activities and adventuring I am involved in (rugby, running, obstacle course racing, weight-lifting, hiking, camping, etc.) and all of the things still on my bucket list (triathlon, running an Ironman race, etc.)-I do not know how to swim!
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be: The healthcare system in the US.
- What are you learning right now?: The inner-workings and reporting processes of the state
- What could you not live without (besides your family): A good pair of running shoes!