Montana Represents PTTC Region 8 at the SAMHSA Prevention Core Competencies Pilot Training
In November the National Coordinating PTTC Office brought together a group of prevention professionals with a wide range of experience, to pilot a Prevention Core Competencies training. Jacki Kline, BG Missoula was invited as a newer individual to the field to participate in the three-day training (top row, second from left). Youth Connections’ Workforce Development Coordinator Nicole Hackley (bottom row, left) was invited as an experienced professional in the field, to attend the three-day training, and an additional two-day Train the Trainer session.
The training revolved around SAMHSA’s prevention core competencies, to help enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed in the prevention profession. The goal of this program is to eventually be used alongside the SAPST, and will be available both in-person and online. Since this was the pilot program, corrections and edits will be made by program developers, with the goal of completing the curriculum by the end of 2022, and starting training sessions mid-2023. More information will be provided by Youth Connections at a later date.