Parenting Montana Park Benches
Park Benches PFS Powell
Amanda attended a joint city/county parks and trails committee meeting. She heard of the lack of seating and their desire to have benches and reached out to see if anyone else had done something with benches and found out that Dillon had done this through a media campaign and an advertising bench.
She proposed purchasing a unit of media benches, 6 tota and donating them to the trails committee if they would let her keep control of the advertising on the bench. They agreed as long as the ad was mild and park & family friendly.
They now have 4 Parenting Montana Benches on Main Street in Deer Lodge, 1 on a county trail, and 1 overlooking the river.
Partnerships were key in this venture. Owners of Valley Foods agreed to accept the shipment on their loading docks, the Public Works crew used a fork lift to take the unit to city storage until spring. The County Parks board & Public Works got the benches to the high school Agriculture shop where the FFA kids built the benches. The FFA students and County Parks board members delivered the benches to various locations, and the Powell County reACT youth prevention coalition loaded the media into the benches.