Parents’ Night Out
April 1–15:
- Schedule your organization’s “Parents’ Night Out” pilot session(s), ideally within the month of May or early June (May 1–June 15).
- Select a time(s) that will work best for your audience and facilitator(s), most commonly in the early evening after school and work commitments.
- Email the “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign’s coordinator (Jocie Broth, [email protected]) to confirm that your proposed “Parents’ Night Out” pilot session date(s) and time(s) are available for the campaign’s technical team and don’t conflict with another pilot session.
- NOTE: The campaign team will help manage all technical aspects of your pilot presentation(s) using the Zoom platform, and will provide a customized Zoom registration link for each of your pilot sessions.
- Once confirmed, send out your invitation(s) and include the customized Zoom registration link (NOTE: There is invitation language provided in the PNO toolkit that you have the option to use). You can use the tool of your choice for the invitations, such as an email shared via your listserv. The registration link provided by the technical team will allow us to capture registrants and will automatically send calendar invites to each person once they register.
April 15–30:
- If you’d like to bolster attendance, promote the “Parents’ Night Out” session(s) via your social platforms and other mechanisms, such as e-newsletters, email blasts, and by encouraging those who are already signed up to spread the word to other parents and caregivers.
- Make sure your facilitator(s) have the final “Parents’ Night Out” presentation and Facilitators’ Guide and encourage them to review both resources thoroughly as well as complete the To-Do List that is part of the Facilitator’s Guide (starts on page 4).
- Work with your facilitator(s) to select a public service announcement (PSA) to include in each “Parents’ Night Out” session (more on this on pages 5–6 of the Facilitator’s Guide).
- Work with your facilitator(s) to schedule a 30-minute prep meeting with the “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign team to confirm logistics for the session(s), practice the technology, and address any questions you may have. Contact Jocie Broth, [email protected] with proposed dates and times for this session and we will do our best to accommodate.
May 1–June 15:
- The “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign team can send two email reminders to participants, one week prior to the session and the day before the session. We will send you the reminders for your review and approval prior to sending to registered participants. You must respond to the email with any specific language changes or to confirm that you don’t want to send reminders.
- On the day of the “Parents’ Night Out” session, make sure you and your facilitator log-on 15 minutes early to avoid any technology glitches and address any last minute questions/issues.
- NOTE: At the end of the presentation there is a link to a brief survey for participants. The survey is optional, but we ask that you encourage participants to complete it. The short survey will provide valuable feedback on the presentation and how it was received by participants.
- Following the “Parents’ Night Out” session, send an email to participants thanking them for attending and include a link to the “Parents’ Night Out” survey in case participants did not have a chance to complete it at the end of the session.
- Stay tuned for an invitation from the “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign team for a debrief call, during which we will collect feedback from you and the facilitator(s) that will aid in future implementation.
- If you have questions about this, the Community Engagement Meeting POC is Josh Ferrari: [email protected].