Parents’ Night Out Pilot Study
“Parents’ Night Out” Pilot Study Overview
The “Talk. They Hear You.” national media campaign has developed an hour-long educational presentation for parents and caregivers of children ages 9–20 entitled “Parents’ Night Out.” This presentation focuses on key pieces of the campaign’s efforts to stop underage drinking and other drug use before they start.
The “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign team is seeking volunteer prevention coalitions to facilitate a pilot evaluation of the “Parents’ Night Out” virtual session and to promote the event to parents and caregivers in their community, encouraging them to attend.
As part of this pilot study, there will be five poll questions asked in real time throughout the presentation, as well as a short survey distributed via email immediately following the presentation.
Here are some short answers to common “Parents’ Night Out” pilot study questions:
· How does registration work?
Registration will be managed by “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign team members, who will provide you with a template for the invitation as well as a link to the registration site. All information provided on the registration site will be kept secure, and will not be used for any purpose other than the pilot study.
· Do I need to create my own invitation?
No. The “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign team will provide you with a template for the invitation and other event promotion, which can be customized as you see fit.
· How many people should I recruit?
There is no required number or limit on the number of participants. From an evaluation perspective, the “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign team is hoping for as large a number of participants in the initial presentation as possible, as some drop-off is expected between the first survey and the 1-month follow-up survey.
The Presentation
· Do I need to provide the online platform?
No. The “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign team will provide a Zoom link for registrants to access the presentation at the appropriate time.
- How do I know what to say?
The “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign team will provide a detailed facilitator’s guide with step-by-step instructions and talking points, as well as a prerecorded sample presentation video for reference. You will also have the opportunity to conduct a dry run with the campaign team, at which point you can ask any remaining questions.
- Will someone be available to assist with technical issues during the presentation?
Yes, a representative from the “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign team will be on the Zoom platform to assist, as needed, but the facilitator will lead the presentation.
- Can I alter the presentation PowerPoint (PPT) slides or facilitator’s guide?
No. While the facilitator can add some local customization via his/her talking points, the “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign team asks that you NOT make any changes to the PPT slides or the facilitator’s guide for the purposes of this pilot study.
The Evaluation (Pilot Study)
· What are the steps in the evaluation?
This evaluation effort will include one survey. Survey details are still being finalized. The survey will take approximately 5–7 minutes to complete.
- Will I get to see the results of the pilot study?
Upon Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration approval, the “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign team expects to be able to share the evaluation results with you.
- Do you want facilitator feedback?
Yes! The “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign team would love to hear what the facilitators have to say, as their experiences can improve both the presentation and facilitator’s guide. Facilitators are encouraged to email the campaign team’s lead evaluator to arrange a time for verbal feedback or to provide their feedback via email.
Contact Information
If you are interested in participating in the “Parents’ Night Out” Pilot Study please contact Kimberly Koch at [email protected]. “Parents’ Night Out” will be hosting a demonstration presentation in mid-March so that you can see the curriculum being taught and decide if you would like to host a presentation in the month of April or May. All pilot presentations must be completed by June.
- Prevention Specialists will be responsible for:
- Recruiting parents to participate in the presentation
- Deciding on a date and time
- Present the “Parents’ Night Out” one-hour curriculum
- Coordinating all registration, meeting set up, and details with lead evaluator.