Substance Use Presentation
Prevention collaborated with Montana State University Extension Office (MSU Ext. Office) to provide a 1.5 hour parental session on opioids and stimulants, highlighting the dangers of counterfeit pills and fentanyl, and education on reducing the stigma surrounding opioid use disorder at the Superior Courthouse. The 14 attendees included the Sheriff, Mayor of Superior, St. Regis and Superior Fire Department staff/volunteers, ambulatory services, hospital and clinic staff, Health Department staff, and parents.
Medication lock boxes were distributed at the event with a Safe Use, Safe Storage, Safe Disposal flyers which highlighted the two drop boxes in the county for old or expired medications. The flyer noted the partnering sponsors, the Mineral County DUI Task Force and MSU Ext. Office, who either purchased or donated Deterra Drug Deactivation System pouches in partnership with prevention. The pouches have been distributed throughout the county to the senior centers, pharmacy, hospital and clinic, and also at various health/ community events.
A preview article was printed in the Mineral Independent for the session introducing the topics and the importance of education by one of the two MSU Ext. Office presenters, Barb Allen