Youth C.A.R.E.S.
Angelica Mozqueda, BG Musselshell & Golden Valley
Musselshell County Prevention has worked all summer with a group of youth. The goals of the youth were to create a peer on peer team that can be sustainable. The youth created “YOUTH C.A.R.E.S” Cares stands for
The youth is hoping that going though the YAM training and developing rapport with peers they can change the culture in their school and community. Hosting events for their peers and supporting them in difficult times letting them know that turning to drugs and/or alcohol is not the answer. They have been training with me and our school counselor to have the tools for those situations. They plan to decrease drugs and alcohol but also decrease the amount of bullying. They want everyone to feel valued and accepted in hopes of lowering the depression and the feeling of hopelessness. Our youth presented to their school principal in hopes of becoming a recognized by the school group/program/club they have to present to the school board and are working very hard at creating a safe space for their peers and a better culture. They will go to other schools within my prevention area to present the program and help get them up and running. The youth created their own logo one pagers business cards stickers and trifolds. They also have a plan of how they will grow and “recruit”
So many great things they are doing and I am just impressed with their efforts work and dedication!
They have also gone to many community meetings to educate the community on prevention data and the needs of our youth.
Ayden, Sophomore Caitlin, Junior
Thaiden, Junior (with sister Lolo)
Youth CARES hosting a movie under the stars event and our prevention table with resources and information.