A Conversation with Beth Morrison

Beth Morrison

Cascade County

  1. Who inspires you? My North Central Prevention Team. They also make me laugh with their shenanigans.
  2. I’m a diehard NY Yankees fan. My dad took me to my first doubleheader when I was five.
  3. My motto is: Just Let Them. (Thanks, Lynda!)
  4. I love Class C Basketball!
  5. I love to play card games & trivia.
  6. I am NOT a morning person. It takes me time to wake up.
  7. I love the ocean. It humbles me and I find solace in its boundless expanse.
  8. My pet peeve is vaping…I loathe this industry. 😡
  9. I’ve never seen Star Wars & have no desire to do so. Sorry, Trekkies. 😉
  10. My nickname is Roody.
  11. I love to learn, but as I get older, it gets harder.
  12. Before I die, I’d like to visit Krakow, Poland.
  13. My guilty pleasure is traveling. I love exploring my world!
  14. I wish I could spend more time at the cabin.
  15. I love a good belly laugh.
  16. What did you used to be able to do? Soooo many things. ☹
  17. I have my dream job.
  18. I’m proud of my son, Daniel. For one thing, he’s braver than I am.
  19. In my spare time, you can find me “junking” at thrift stores and garage sales. You never know what useless treasure you might find.
  20. I wish I was better at dealing with elected officials. Give me 5th graders any day of the week!
  21. I have learned the most from my dad. ♥
  22. It might surprise some people to learn that I go by my middle name.
  23. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? The conundrum of old, white man privilege.
  24. What are you learning right now? Mindfulness & selfcare.
  25. What could you not live without? Milk chocolate. I mean, I could, but what would be the point?

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