
Missoula Policy Signs

Missoula County Prevention has recently been working with schools within the county to enhance awareness of ATOD free policies on school grounds. As part of this initiative, Jacqueline has partnered with the Missoula County Tobacco Education Specialist (Molly Blair), the MCPS School District’s Health Services Coordinator, DeSmet School District’s principal, Clinton School District’s Superintendent and …

Safe Kids Rewards Program

This program provides ice cream coupons handed out by local law enforcement officers throughout the county for kids practicing positive and safe habits, such as riding in a car restraint or car seat, using crosswalks, etc. This program not only recognizes kids for practicing safe habits, it allows the relationship between law enforcement and children …

Youth Backpacking Trip

Justin Matthews, Park County Southwest Montana Prevention, Park Connect Youth Group, Park County Youth Courts, and Crazy Mountain Ventures Wilderness Guides put together our first annual youth backpacking trip. This trip consisted of a two-day 14-mile hike to an alpine lake in the Crazy Mountains. The kids learned the history of Crazies, leadership skills, backcountry …