Getting to Know Mike Geboe
- Who inspires you? I get inspired from leaders who think outside the teepee
- Best gift ever given? Pendleton Blanket
- Your motto: “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today” (Malcolm X)
- Favorite sport: Disc golf- I only carry a driver.
- Favorite day of the year: Summer Solstice is an event that kicks off the warm days of the Summer.
- I can’t start my day until…i have coffee with sugar
- Something interesting about you: was a Fulbright-Hays Scholar
- Pet Peeve: OMG When the rez cows are in my yard
- I’ve never seen…it all.
- Nickname NA
- I really want to learn more about: Mindfulness
- Something from your bucket list: Going to Iceland, sounds like a cool place with hot springs, volcanos, and Northern Lights
- Guilty pleasure: zombie movies
- I wish I could…watch more zombie movies
- What are you really good at: I like to hike
- What did you used to be able to do? Idk
- Dream job: Credentialed as a Prevention Specialist in Montana
- Something you’re most proud of: being a father, uncle, mosom, brother, classmate, and cousin
- Spare time activity: I like to watch documentaries
- What do you wish you were better at: meditating
- Who have you learned the most from? Elders, Leaders, Directors, and co-workers
- Something no one would believe about you: I made tracks on the beach at Copacabana
- What are you learning right now? I am learning about learning management systems
- What could you not live without: Prevention Specialist Visionaries