Getting to Know Shannon Pitsch
- Who inspires you? People who are positive, focused, and driven
- Best gift ever given? A bowl my grandson painted all by himself when he was little
- Your motto: Your emergency is not my emergency
- Favorite sport: any sport my granddaughter is playing
- Favorite day of the year – Christmas
- I can’t start my day until…I’ve sat and drank a cup of coffee
- Something interesting about you – I love cactus’s, squirrels & chipmunks
- Pet Peeve – being late
- I’ve never seen… any other country besides Mexico & Canada
- Nickname- don’t have one
- I really want to learn more about – the cattle market
- Something from your bucket list – go to Italy
- Guilty pleasure – sweets, any and all
- I wish I could…go back in time and do things different
- What are you really good at – being a good grandma
- What did you used to be able to do? Jump on my horse bareback
- Dream job – anything agriculture related
- Something you’re most proud of – my grandkids
- Spare time activity – rest
- What do you wish you were better at – computers, and reading more books
- Who have you learned the most from? Joyce Meyers
- Something no one would believe about you – I have road rage (not always😊)
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be – no drugs, none!
- What are you learning right now? To become a crop insurance agent
- What could you not live without/ – food, I love food! Oh, and my slippers.