Getting to Know Sylvia Miller
- Who inspires you: Nature
- Best gift ever given? Santa Cruz Mountain Bike 🤙
- Your motto: Just be nice
- Favorite sport: not a big sports gal, but I do enjoy going to baseball games
- Favorite day of the year: Christmas Eve.Â
- I can’t start my day until…I have my espresso!
- Something interesting about you: I moved to the US from Poland when I was 6 and became a citizen at 21.
- Pet Peeve: rude people
- I’ve never seen…bigfoot
- Nickname: don’t have one
- I really want to learn more about: other cultures and religions
- Something from your bucket list: French PolynesiaÂ
- Guilty pleasure: buttered toast
- I wish I could…snowboard, bake well, crochet
- What are you really good at: cookingÂ
- What did you used to be able to do? Not be so worried about getting physically injured when playing outside
- Dream job: owning and running an animal sanctuary farm, with endless resourcesÂ
- Something you’re most proud of: Right now, most proud of Luke for following his coffee roasting dreams!Â
- Spare time activity: hiking and fly fishing with the pups…probably why I don’t catch any fish
- What do you wish you were better at: baking, but I’m practicing!
- Who have you learned the most from? My dad and Luke…but let’s not tell either of them
- Something no one would believe about you: I’m not that interesting
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be: everyone would be kind
- What are you learning right now? how to bake a good bread and about coffee bean farming
- What could you not live without: being able to access nature