Teacher Night
In collaboration with Youth Connections, Helena School District, and The Painted pot I was able to host a teacher event that allowed teachers to unwind, connect, and learn about resources available to help! These teachers have faced great stress from Covid teaching to District financial issues causing pink slips to be put in place and schools to be closed. This event was intended to teach Teachers about the great use of ParentingMontana.org and though that goal was wildly successful, this event provided much more. During the event teachers got to talk with one another about the issues our community is facing. They also got to make goals together to help cope with these stresses with healthier activities than drinking. A lot of them said that parents don’t know what to do, and they don’t know how to help. From this event schools across Lewis and Clark will be receiving and using ParentingMontana.org! Teachers will continue to work together and communicate the reoccurring issues with myself, so I may find ways to help! It was a huge success and a very impactful couple of weeks!