
First Responder Day

May 16th, 2022.  Ryegate, Montana Angie Mozqueda, Golden Valley County, Block Grant Golden Valley Prevention participated in the First Responder Day in Ryegate.  Prevention Specialist Angie Mozqueda had a table at the events and handed out materials to parents and grandparents.

Rock Painting

Desiree Call – Custer County/ Rock Painting took place in April with many families and kids attending. They got to conduct a fun activity and at the end received info and information about Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Strategic Instruction Opens Doors to Learning for Your Child

Authors: Trish Schreiber, SIM Professional Developer, Montana Jocelyn Washburn, Director of Professional Development, University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning It’s hard to know how best to support your child or teenager at home with their nightly homework. You’ve probably wondered where the line is drawn between doing it for them and simply helping. Most …

CADCA Midyear Photo highlights

  Esther, Katie, Barb Esther, Jody, Katie, Barb Katie, Barb, Esther Orlando Sunset Minnie Katie Katie hanging out with the stars Katie and Barbara – it is Orlando, after all Katie Barb resting – CADCA is exhausting Barbara shmoozing with the waiter Barbara meeting new friends Barbara trying to meet new friends

We the People

We The People: Connecting Communities and Culture was a second annual tri-county event held on July 14th at Cut Bank City Park and was open to the public. Opportunities, Inc. had partnered with Alliance For Youth – Tool County and Honor Your Life – Blackfeet Reservation on this project in order to reach youth and …


HELP Camp returned this year after a two year hiatus due to COVID-19, and successfully picked up right where it left off. The Havre Encourages Long-range Prevention (HELP) Committee and Boys & Girls Club of the Hi-Line hosts an annual prevention-based camp yearly for youth in grades 5-8. Youth in grades 9-12 can volunteer as …

Clancy Days

On Saturday June 4th Clancy held its annual Spring event Clancy Days!! This event featured a multitude of activities to participate in for all ages attending. Southwest Montana Prevention Services were also in attendance with 2 informational booths. We were there to help spread prevention knowledge throughout the community. Our “Hidden in plain site” booth …

LQTBQ Color Me Rad

Laura No Runner, Blackfeet Prevention Specialist Our 2nd Annual LGBTQ “Color Me Rad” fun run was held at the end of June. There were about 100 participants that attended. Several Tribal Health Programs made this event possible including Honor Your Life organizations. The LBGTQ community members enjoyed being recognized during the event. Several of them …

Sober Life

Connection The most basic human need is to feel connected to others and addiction destroys connection. When people want to get sober, they often have alienated friends and family, have no job and no money, and are packing around loads of guilt and shame from the things they did in their addiction. They face a …