Powell County RRW Door Decorating Contest
Dawn Ries held a door decorating contest in Powell County for Red Ribbon Week.
Dawn Ries held a door decorating contest in Powell County for Red Ribbon Week.
Dawn Ries, BG Granite held a Trunk or Treat event and took the opportunity to share Parenting Montana information with parents.
There has been a lot happening in Jefferson County during Red Ribbon Week, including door contests, Fall into Learning-featuring ParentingMontana.org and how substances affect the teen brain.
Social Host Ordinances 6 Essential Elements
In November the National Coordinating PTTC Office brought together a group of prevention professionals with a wide range of experience, to pilot a Prevention Core Competencies training. Jacki Kline, BG Missoula was invited as a newer individual to the field to participate in the three-day training (top row, second from left). Youth Connections’ Workforce Development …
We asked prevention professionals from across the state what their favorite holiday memory/tradition was. Here’s what they said: My mom would always read the Christmas story of when Jesus was born to me and my sisters on Christmas Eve. I used to leave Santa M&Ms and beer. My mom would eat the M&Ms and my grandpa, …
Dawn Ries, BG Granite Yule Night event in Philipsburg. I did ornament crafts for the kiddos and it was great! I had 45 kids plus families that came to make ornaments in the library on Yule Night, which is their Christmas stroll and parade.
Stephanie Michaelson, BG/Broadwater Making ornaments at the Broadwater Christmas Stroll was a big success. We had around 90 kids stop to make ornaments (including a few high school girls) and a few parents too. I was able to visit with a some of the parents about Parenting Montana as a tool. Parents were happy to …
Name Email Short Description County/Reservation Toya Laveway [email protected] Youth Mental Health First Aid Lincoln County Shannon Pitsch [email protected] Cultural Media Campaign Big Horn County McKenzie Morgan [email protected] Community Based Process (Drug Free Communities Grant) Fergus County McKenzie Morgan [email protected] Youth Mental Health First Aid Petroleum County Mary Cameron [email protected] Christmas Stroll-movies and parade Carbon County …
ParentingMontana.org Preliminary Evaluation Preliminary evaluation results received in 2022 showed ParentingMontana.org is valuable to users and stakeholders. Parents are able to use the 5-step intentional parenting process to address their challenges, they become more comfortable and confident with the 5-step intentional parenting process over time, and repeated engagement with the 5-step parenting process is associated …