Back to School Picnic

Lynda Vande Sandt, Liberty County The Back-To-School Community Picnic, sponsored by CJI Schools and the Liberty County Chamber, was held at CJI Schools …

A Conversation with Maggie Anderson

Maggie Anderson, DFC Lincoln/United For Youth Favorite kind of book: I mostly read for information – leadership, team-building, work-related topics.. but when I …

Johnny’s Ambassadors Training

Attendees of the Johnny’s Ambassador’s Training had these takeaways to share: What was the most useful tool or piece of information you gained …

A Conversation with Amy Shaw

Who inspires you–My Grandma Best gift ever given? Family picture pillow for the kids when they were young Your motto: Everything is figureoutable …

A conversation with Reagan Mecham

Reagan Mecham, DFC Frenchtown Favorite kind of book: I love all genres of books, but I think my favorites are dystopian fiction and …

HIPS Trailer

Amber Hurt, Choteau Co. Our county has had the opportunity to fund a HIPS trailer for prevention education. Our plan is to utilize …

Brittany Masters Honored

Brittany shown with state prevention program specialist, Lonni Starcevich (left) Written by Kelly Hart: When you think about people who inspire others, you …

Vivian Webb Honored

Vivian is shown with Tribal TA, Barbara Bessette In recognition of Vivian Webb’s extraordinary commitment to building healthier communities and her outstanding contributions …

Anna Schreck Honored

Anna was unable to attend as she was on vacation in Europe. Sara Mahoney nominated Anna Schreck, Block Grant, Mineral County, for outstanding …

Barb Reiter Honored

Barb Reiter with TA Laura Cross (left), and Jody Hanisch and Coleen Smith (right) Barb Reiter has been in prevention for 16 years. …

Shannon Pitsch Honored

Shannon Pitsch pictured with TA Sara Mahoney (left) I want to highlight Shannon Pitsch as the most resilient prevention specialist for her years …

Amber Hurt Honored

Amber pictured with NC TA Jenny Fuller (left) Amber has been a Montana Prevention Specialist since we were able to expand services for …